Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Night of Las Posadas - Tomie dePaola (read aloud)

Today we looked at a Mexican-American traditional holiday known as Las Posadas.  This is a read-aloud from acclaimed author Tomie dePaola.  The story takes place in Santa Fe, and introduces students to the religious customs of Las Posadas, including lighting the streets with farolitos, walking through the town in a procession, and looking for a home to celebrate the birth of Christ. 

We compared and contrasted the differences between Las Posadas and a traditional American Christmas.  Students identified that Las Posadas had farolitos instead of Christmas Lights, poinsettia plants instead of Christmas trees, and the focus was on Jesus instead of Santa.

It was nice to get the class thinking about how people all over the world celebrate with friends and family in the Winter.  How many different holidays include lights, food, gifts, and giving thanks for all that we have.  I wanted them to realize that it's okay if our friends don't celebrate the same holidays or customs that we do.  I also wanted them to realize that it is important to be kind to people, no matter what their family celebrations may be. 

I hope that this unit opens their eyes and hearts to a wider world that we live in.  I hope that they took something special away from it.  And I hope that they are all better citizens in this world because of it.  Happy Holidays to everyone.  Thank you for sharing this journey through life with me.  I am thankful to be your teacher!!
-Mr. Linnet

Kevin's Kwanzaa | Children's Books Read Aloud

Here was an introductory video that I shared this week about Kwanzaa.  It explains what Kwanzaa is and how it is celebrated in many African-American homes.  I feel that it is important to create an awareness about what other people celebrate around the holidays that are different than what they might celebrate at home.  It's also a great opportunity to learn firsthand accounts of friends and classmates that participate in some of the other Winter Holidays celebrated in our community.  Kwanzaa begins on December 26th and continues for a week through the first day of the new year.  Happy Kwanzaa to our families that celebrate, and thank your for sharing "the first fruits of the harvest" with all of us!!

Monday, December 18, 2017

Hanukkah || Mayim Bialik

This week we are learning about Winter Holidays.  I am sharing a few short videos each day to help you see what we are learning about.  We also are making books, playing traditional games, and discussing how these holidays are alike/different.  The holidays are special to us all, but not necessarily for the same reasons.  This small unit is to help create awareness and appreciation in the minds of our young learners, so that they can be respectful of others in our community that maybe celebrate a different holiday than we do.  Whatever you holiday may be, we hope that you enjoy it with your loved ones!!

Monday - Hanukkah
Tuesday - Kwanzaa
Wednesday - Christmas (Winter Crafts Day)
Thursday - Las Posadas