Saturday, April 25, 2015

Earth Day 2015: Taking care of the Earth's "Boo-Boo's"

Since Earth Day was in the middle of Art Week in our class, I thought I would incorporate a fun art project into our Earth Day lessons.  Besides reading and watching videos to learn about Earth Day, we also made a mini-book, word search, and poster to tell about the different ways we could help the Earth by following the 3 R's: recycle, reduce, and reuse.

The most exciting event however, was an art project where the students used blue and green washable markers to draw and color the Earth on a coffee filter.  After they were finished we took the filters outside and sprayed them with some water, then set them on the drying rack to dry.  The colors of the washable markers ran together when water was introduced, and the result was this beautiful mosaic of what Earth looks like.  We then glued them to a poster that stated simply, "I will help fix the Earth's Boo-Boo's!  We then added a band-aid to the picture (because that's what our parents do for us when we get a boo-boo).  The finished projects were so cute, and the students had a great reminder to take home that each of us have a responsibility to do our part and help the Earth.

Here are a few examples of students with their "Earth Boo-Boo" Art.

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